T class stock class - 44ci/72ci/1200cc/1-litre stock; bad news y/t class hull with crosley 44 ci | built in 1962 by darr | owned by nicola dabica of wolfeboro falls, new hampshire. Designers, plans & kits a to m: 16' mckenzie river driftboat plans and construction manual (from altair industries, ft. collins, colorado); adirondack guide boat (cedar strip adirondack guide boat kits, north ferrisburgh, vermont). Zip by pat wilkening, san diego, california july 1, 2009 building my zip was a really fun project. i used mahogany ply, sapele and honduras mahogany to build the hull and deck..
10' harber-lite by harber craft. all around boat for hunting, fishing and general fun. nice and roomy yet light enough for the car top or small trailer.. We now have 40 hours on our new ibis. as you know we fish 75 - 100 days a year out of port o'connor and were looking for the perfect boat. our ibis is in fact the perfect wade/drift fishing boat for the texas coast.. Used 2013 oyster marine ltd oyster 625 for sale in palma, spain. priced at 1,395,000 gbp..