This category is somewhat arbitrary, like many in our catalog. many of the inboard designs have outboard options and there are designs in the cruiser and work boat sections for outboard power.. 30' jullian adderly: the 30' power cruiser who's plans you'll find in the first edition of my building book.. 39' nw cruiser: a simple boat for the nw or other semi-protected cruising areas where the weather can be unpleasant.. 2/7/2018 new photos building the wood 49. 12/12/17 lauched photos of building the 38 in brazil. stock plans, plans prices, & order form. marlane & benno's 41, off cape horn.
Search new and used boats for sale locally, nationally and globally. research boat buying, selling and ownership through a wealth of articles and videos. sell your boat online.. Boat speak terms we use to describe our designs. this glossary was originally published in our webletters. if you have any suggestions for additions, or corrections, please email:. 1998 sea ray sundancer 330 very well maintained, low hour express cruiser. recent upgrades: bottom job, all new impellers, oil and filter change on engines and generator, upholstery upgrades, new batteries..