As of this moment all other aluminum boat manufacturers are history the river master is the boat for those with bigger plans in mind. the wide river master specifications: u.s. army corps of engineers boat/jet ski lifts, and generally any activity which occurs below or breaches the plane of the ohwm.. How to build a shallow water anchor system "on the cheap". great skinny water anchors you can build and save money with diy shallow water anchor pins.. Experienced divers know that their equipment is critical to successful under-water operations and should not be underestimated. that goes for the dive boat.
26 marine industry customer satisfaction awards. lowe has received more csi awards than any other aluminum boat company. no other aluminum boat manufacturer has won as many csi awards as lowe boats.. Description, photographs and drawings of dix 57 radius chine steel cruising sailboat design for amateur or professional builders. Great northern docks in maine specializes in the highest quality custom boat docks designed for the harsh conditions of the new england waterfront. we have a complete line of turn-key boat docks and boat dock hardware for the do-it-yourself market..