Hirundo is trailerable, with her 2.5 meters of maximum beam and lifting keel; she can be considered on the heavy edge of a trailerable sailboat, but this feature may help homebuilders to keep down costs in expensive and crowded marinas, choosing where and when launch the sailboat.. The sailing performance will impress but is balanced against the surprising amount of space and comfort this design offers. the saying ‘good things come in small packages’ applies to this design with this feature-packed boat offering a good alternative for those itching to go cruising but still saving for that ‘ideal’ big boat.. Since we designed the samoa 28, our state of the art boat for amateur construction, we were determined to produce the plans for a trailerable sail boat that could be trailed by a mid-sized car..
Nauline : online boats plans, sailboat plans for self builder, junk rig for pocket sailboats, pocket cruiser plywood plans, plywood kayak plans. Hirundo is trailerable, with her 2.5 meters of maximum beam and lifting keel; she can be considered on the heavy edge of a trailerable sailboat. idea 19 idea19 is a 6 m fast paced trailerable sailboat; she can be built by homebuilders in both grp and wood-plywood & epoxy resin.. So a true trailerable sailboat is a day cruising, lighter boat, no need for a lifting crane. plenty of nice, day cruising, old looking boats in the previous posts ! or look at the microcup for somethin more modern and performant..