Specmar inc (previously specialty marine contractors) is an aluminum boat design, and lofting company. we have a large product line including aluminum drift boats, aluminum landing craft, aluminum monohull boats, aluminum catamarans, aluminum special purpose boats, and aluminum ribs (rigid inflatable boat).. Cope aluminum boat designs, proven plans for high quality welded aluminum boats.. Steel and aluminum boat kits plus plans for all materials. bruce roberts official site [ view ] bruce roberts international [ view ] glen-l marine designs. boat plans designed for the home boat builder: on-line boat plans catalog, news letters, bulletin board, builder photos, how-to pages, and project registry..
I've tried searching for plans online but a lot of the boat plans i'm seeing are more for boats that they have like in alaska which are jet boat plans. to give you an idea the company called hankos.com they have a very nice boat design in the v hull i like a lot.. Home / boat plans & kits catalog / aluminum construction: designs for aluminum construction all designs for aluminum construction are included here. for further study, we have books available in the books, dvd's and audio section of our store at your left. read our free article on aluminum boat building, here.. Steel boats, steel boat kits, steel boat plans, steel and, steel boat kits, steel boat plans, sailboats, power boats, aluminum boat plans, bruce roberts authorized designs and books,aluminium boat kits,aluminum,metal boat..